State Electronic Records Initiative

SERI Subcommittees

The SERI Steering Committee is co-chaired by Allen Ramsey (CT) and Alejandra Moutenot (MA) and is made up of CoSA Board Members, CoSA Members, and SERI Subcommittee Representatives.

The SERI Steering Committee works to:

  • Advance the SERI Strategic plan and support each subcommittee in developing an annual work plan.
  • Coordinate the timing and planning of future Self-Assessments and SERI surveys (from working groups).
  • Distribute tasks - aid in the recruitment to identify new people for involvement with SERI.

Committee Members:

  • Nick Connizzo
  • Cathrine Giles
  • Josh Hackel
  • Josh Hager
  • Sarah Koonts
  • Lopez Matthews
  • Kate McBrien
  • Cathy Popovitch
  • Allen Ramsey
  • Krista Sorenson

Advocacy & Outreach Subcommittee Tasks

  • Highlight and promote the work and advancements of individual state electronic records programs.
  • Develop and promote Twitter, and social media generally, campaigns around specific events, dates, and products around electronic records.
  • Continue to enhance and promote Electronic Records Day (October 10).

Committee Members:

  • Cathrine Giles, co-chair
  • Josh Hager, co-chair
  • Kelly Horton
  • Grant Robertson
  • Veronica Sales
  • Christian Skipper

For more information, contact Co-Chairs Cathrine Giles ( and Josh Hager (

Education & Programming Subcommittee Tasks

We work to facilitate the sharing of advice and assistance on electronic record topics. Our major projects include:

  • Putting on monthly SERI webinars
  • Creating training material, such as our digital preservation video series
  • Reaching out to electronic records communities to see how we can best support them

We meet twice a month.

Committee Members:

  • Kathryn Baringer
  • Danielle Marchetti
  • Elizabeth Perkes
  • Rachel Smith
  • Krista Sorenson, Chair
  • Bonnie Weddle

For more information, please contact Chair Krista Sorenson (

Tools & Resources Subcommittee Tasks

  • Develop best practices, models, and standards related to information governance, digital preservation, digital processing workflows, and other aspects of archival practices to assist CoSA’s community in navigating the government information management decision-making process
  • Develop governance, and provide oversight and management of the CoSA Resource Center; utilize the Resource Center to highlight the best tools and resources
  • Collaborate with the Education & Programming Subcommittee to provide training opportunities specifically focused for tools and resources
  • Assist with CoSA/SERI grant project components assigned to the subcommittee
  • Subcommittee members are expected to join us for our monthly meeting and contribute a few hours to collaborate on guidance documents, review portal resources, and other tasks totaling no more than 3-5 hours per month.

Committee Members:

  • Alan Arellano
  • Michelle Arpey
  • Nick Connizzo
  • Joshua Hackel, chair
  • Carol Kussmann
  • Natasha Margulis
  • Elena Perez
  • Allen Ramsey
  • Suzanne Stasiulatis
  • James Watson

For more information, please contact Chair Josh Hackel (