URL: https://portal.ct.gov/csl/-/media/CSL/departments/Public-Records/State-Records-Management-Program/PRS04-2DigitalImagingStandards2022.pdf Description: These standards provide guidance and procedures a Connecticut public agency must apply when digitizing paper records using reflective...
URL : https://portal.ct.gov/csl/-/media/CSL/departments/Public-Records/State-Records-Management-Program/PRS04-1ElectronicRecordsStandards2022.pdf Description : These standards shall be read together with Public Records Policy 04: Electronic Records Management to ensure a full understanding...
A wiki that discusses and provides information on the use of digital forensics for archival (and other) purposes. Categories of discussion include computer file systems, XML, encryption, file formats, how-to guides, operating systems, tools, and vendors. URL for Resource : https:/...
A blog post describing the process and tools that can be used to assist in making scanned content more accessible. URL for Resource : https://blogs.loc.gov/thesignal/2014/08/making-scanned-content-accessible-using-full-text-search-and-ocr/ Document Creating / Publishing Body : Butch...
Archives in the Digital Era is a blog by Richard Pearce-Moses, Director of the master of Archival Studies at Clayton State University. The blog discusses what archivists need to know to thrive in the digital era. Blog posts tend to follow one of three tracks: digital archives, curriculum and...
Page contains links to trainings on the following topics: Implementation of PDF/A Policy for County and State Offices, Naming Conventions, Digitization, Email Cleanup, Retention of Permanent and Long-Term Electronic Records, Utilizing Primary Sources in the Classroom/Curriculum Development. ...
Six curriculum modules for digitization projects created as part of the Digital Public Library of America's Public Library Partnerships Project. Modules include: Planning for Digitization, Selecting Content for a Digitization Project, Understanding Copyright, Using Metadata to Describe Digital...
Results of a survey of 85 institutions about staffing issues related to digital preservation. Background information is provided on the survey. Details on the findings include graphics. The survey questions are provided in an appendix. A poster presentation is also included. Alternate Name /...
Wiki that provides an overview of Exif Metadata Extraction tool and instructions on how to use it. Examples of syntax and the setup for batch processing are included. Software Type : Open Source URL for Resource : https://wiki.carleton.edu/display/carl/Exif+Metadata+Extraction+Tool ...
Wiki that provides an overview of bagit and instructions on how to use it. Links to external resources for additional assistance. Software Type : Open Source URL for Resource : https://wiki.carleton.edu/display/carl/Bagit Creating body / Developer / Publisher : Carleton College ...