URL: https://portal.ct.gov/csl/-/media/CSL/departments/Public-Records/State-Records-Management-Program/PRS04-2DigitalImagingStandards2022.pdf Description: These standards provide guidance and procedures a Connecticut public agency must apply when digitizing paper records using reflective...
Information about XML. What is it, what is it used for, examples. Information about the schema, security, transformation, query, components, processing and publishing as also provided on the W3C page. URL for Resource : https://www.w3.org/standards/xml/core Document Creating / Publishing...
The Moving Picture Experts Group page to describe MEPG-4 Standard. Each part of the standard has its own section and provides an introduction, technical solution, discusses compression, scalability, robustness, and more. Other parts of the website provide more information about other standards,...
A data standard that describes visual and other image-based works. URL for Resource : https://www.loc.gov/standards/vracore/ Standards Creating / Publishing Body : Visual Resources Association; Network Development and MARC Standards office of the Library of Congress Institutional...
XML Schema that details technical metadata for text-based digital objects. URL for Resource : https://www.loc.gov/standards/textMD/ Standards Creating / Publishing Body : New York University Digital Library Team; Library of Congress Date of Latest Revision : 2007 Cost : Free ...
A brief overview of the PREMIS preservation metadata standard. It it intended to provide information about what PREMIS is, not how to implement it. It includes a summary of the context for PREMIS and examples. URL for Resource : https://www.loc.gov/standards/premis/understanding-premis...
A step by step procedural document that describes the workflows that Colorado State Archives used to embed metadata in in WAV audio files. URL for Resource : https://drive.google.com Document Creating / Publishing Body : Colorado State Archives Date of Creation : 5/1/2017 Date of...
pertts_bwf metaedit guide-1540849257.pdf
This toolkit contains the best practices, encoding templates, style sheets, and procedures used by the Minnesota Historical Society for archival arrangement and description. The kit is designed as a resource for collections management staff as well as for use by other archivists and collection...
An XML schema that details technical metadata for describing the layout and content of physical text resources. It most commonly serves as an extension schema used withing the administration section of the Metadata Encoding and Transmission Schema however ALTO (Analyzed Layout and Text Object)...