This website provides a list of software tools that can assist in electronic file management and processing and is intended for records managers at Wisconsin state agencies, or other individuals who find themselves tasked with managing large collections of files. URL for Resource : https:/...
These guidance documents are intended to help state agencies and local units of government plan and manage mass digitization projects. They provide agencies best practices and standards in meeting electronic records management standards. URL for Resource :
Tools from the Wisconsin Historical Society to help students research history by using helpful guides and lesson plans. Includes sections for: student resources; teacher resources; secondary lesson plans, primary sources and research tools; educational publications; archaeology resources; and...
This resource provides guidance for Wisconsin state agencies on creating electronic records inventories. Inventories can be helpful for agencies undertaking a drive cleanup process or other type of electronic records assessment or to help an agency better understand what records you have. URL...
The Digital Preservation Policy formalizes the Wisconsin Historical Society’s (WHS) commitment to ensuring the long-term preservation of all the permanent digital collections in the custody of the Library, Archives, and Museum Collections (LAMC) Division. This policy outlines WHS’s approach to...
This toolkit contains the best practices, encoding templates, style sheets, and procedures used by the Minnesota Historical Society for archival arrangement and description. The kit is designed as a resource for collections management staff as well as for use by other archivists and collection...
This document provides best practices for the organization of files and folders and may be used to create a file organization policy to be distributed to Wisconsin state agency staff members. URL for Resource : Document Creating /...
This document provides best practices for selecting and monitoring file formats, and it may be used to create a policy to distribute to Wisconsin state agency staff members. It also includes a table of preferred and acceptable formats for permanent retention and transferring electronic records...
This document provides best practices for the naming of files and may be used to create a file naming policy to be distributed to state agency staff members (in Wisconsin). URL for Resource : Document Creating / Publishing Body : Wisconsin Historical...
This form is to be used by Wisconsin state agencies to authorize an electronic records transfer. It covers discretionary practices specific to electronic records, private information in records, due diligence on the part of the state agency, and disposition of storage media. URL for Resource ...