Guidelines for Washington State on a variety of topics including records retention, how to go paperless, how to transfer records, and getting help with disaster preparedness and response. As well as links to more information about managing electronic records in a variety of formats - audio...
A page that not only includes the states 2016 Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan, but resources by specific roles/activities/departments. A Catastrophic Incident Plan (2013), Hazard Specific Plans (2011-2018), Hazard Identification/Vulnerability and Mitigation Planning/Assessment (2018),...
Information about the minimum standards that must be adhered to in the selection, preparation, storage, and handling of film intended to be security or preservation copies of public records. Topics covered include: definitions, microfilm qualifications, film base and emulsion material, document...
Outline of four policies around how to manage text messaging in local government business situations. All local governments should develop a clear policy for how text messaging can or cannot be used by employees and elected officials, as well as how text messages will be managed and retained to...
A page providing links to five advice sheets about managing text messages, a link to the Municipal Research and Services Center (MRSC) policy, and a link for training opportunities. URL for Resource : Document...