Web page that links to resources for disaster preparedness and recovery resources at both state and federal levels. Resources specific to historic structures, flooded homes, floodplain management, cemeteries, and other trust and community resources. URL for Resource : https://scdah.sc.gov ...
The Metadata Authority Description Schema is an XML schema for an authority element set that may be used to provide metadata about agents (people, organizations), events, and terms (topics, geographics, genres, etc.). MADS serves as a companion to the Metadata Object Description Schema (MODS) to...
Archive-It's model and best practices framework for those looking to create or improve their web archiving program. Provides information on policy level requirements as well as the day to day activities that are necessary for web archiving. Examples are provided throughout. URL for Resource :...
Discussion on how to determine the best frequency of capture, what the scope of captures should be, and how to appraise the captures. A score card is provided for appraisal purposes. URL for Resource : https://archives.ncdcr.gov Topics : Web Archiving / Web Content Management States :...
Describes NC's digital preservation program, including the operating principles, incentives and challenges, roles and responsibilities, collaboration/cooperation, and technical principles. This policy governs the operation management of the program that supports the preservation and access of...
"This document provides guidance to government agencies for establishing methods and procedures for creating and maintaining authentic records in digital formats according to the type of records produced and the length of time the records should be retained." URL for Resource : https:/...
Description of file formats that are recommended for transfer, those that are acceptable for transfer under certain circumstances, and those that are not acceptable for transfer. URL for Resource : https://archives.ncdcr.gov/government/digital-records/north-carolina-digital-repository/file...
Guidelines and recommendations for preservation ready file formats as well as descriptions for each format, including how to save/migrate files as said formats. URL for Resource : https://archives.ncdcr.gov/government/digital-records/digital-records-policies-and-guidelines/file-format...
North Carolina's Emergency Operations Plan is available as a single PDF as well as in parts. Parts include a promulgation letter, plan summary, basic plan, functions and responsibilities, event specific plans, supplemental information, and a distribution list. The document states: "The NCEOP...
Policy discusses general policies about email and its use, managing email as public records, e-discovery, appropriate use of email, security, and training. URL for Resource : https://archives.ncdcr.gov Document Creating / Publishing Body : State Archives of North Carolina Date of...