The catalogs and web pages of state and territorial archives provide access to millions of descriptions and digital copies of permanent records. Some of this content may be difficult or harmful to view. As part of the support provided by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS)...
Statement of Harmful Content Templates and Suggestions for Their Use.pdf
2022 DPC Self-Assessment Survey Glossary.docx
On August 2, 2022, CoSA representatives gave a presentation to staff from the Institute of Museum and Library Services about SERI's cultural competency work. These slides accompanied project consultant Helen Wong Smith's comments. They provide an overview of cultural competency definitions,...
By Veronica Martzahl, with editorial assistance from Lori Ashley and Michelle Gallinger June 2022 The CoSA 2022 Digital Preservation Capability Maturity Model Self-Assessment Survey was administered between January and March. Forty-five states and one territory completed the survey. This...
Relevant, Respectful, and Responsive: Government Archives in the 21st Century – An Overview of Cultural Competency in State and Territorial Archives in 2022 is a new report from the Council of State Archivists (CoSA), released as part of the IMLS-funded BACKER Project. Based on a survey fielded...
Putting the Digital Preservation Capacity Self-Assessment Results to Work for You by Veronica Martzahl In the lead up to the 2022 Digital Preservation Capacity Self-Assessment survey launch, several blog entries have highlighted how the round of self-assessment by CoSA members will...
By Lori Ashley CoSA’s Digital Preservation Capability Self-Assessment survey is a high-level framework of requirements from ISO 14721 and ISO 16363. This is the fifth and final blog in the BACKER series of five (5) blog posts to explore how specific components in the CoSA DPC survey relate...
By Helen Wong Smith, MLIS, CA, FSAA Archivist for University Records, University of Hawai’i and Cultural Competency Consultant on CoSA’s Building Archival Capacity for Keeping Electronic Records (BACKER) Project Regrettably, when a term becomes ubiquitous it is often misinterpreted or...
By Lori Ashley CoSA’s Digital Preservation Capability Self-Assessment survey is a high-level framework of requirements from ISO 14721 and ISO 16363. This is the fourth in a series of five (5) blog posts in the BACKER series to explore how specific components in the CoSA...
By Lori Ashley CoSA’s Digital Preservation Capability Self-Assessment survey is a high-level framework of requirements from ISO 14721 and ISO 16363. This is the third in a series of five (5) blog posts in the BACKER series to explore how specific components in the CoSA DPC survey...