Shop Talk with Conserv: Beyond the Shelf: Active Environmental Monitoring for State Archives

When:  Sep 10, 2024 from 03:30 PM to 04:30 PM (ET)

"Beyond the Shelf: Active Environmental Monitoring for State Archives" introduces Conserv's partnership with CoSA and the AWARE project, aimed at supporting territorial and non-contiguous state archives. This webinar will explore how active environmental monitoring can empower archives to make data-driven decisions for better collection preservation, focusing on crucial factors like temperature, light, and relative humidity. We'll briefly showcase Conserv's comprehensive platform, which combines easy-to-use hardware, intuitive software, and expert support to provide real-time environmental data and alerts. The presentation will show case studies in archives today, offering participants valuable insights into their collections' environmental conditions. We hope to demonstrate how active monitoring can help archives identify priorities, inform collections care, and advocate for improvements, contributing to the broader goals of both the AWARE project and State Archives in general.
