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Archives Month 2016 - Geneology and Pub Quizes

By CoSA News posted 10-07-2016 12:00 AM


Welcome to the sixth installment of the exciting activities your CoSA colleagues have planned for Archives Month 2016.

4th Annual Georgia Archivesand Genealogy Day

The Georgia Archives is hosting an Archives and Genealogy Day for Archives Month on Saturday, October 22, 2016, with two tracks, one for beginners and another for more advanced researchers. Programs will run with concurrent sessions and attendees are invited to attend the sessions of most interest to them, in either track. The program, sponsored by the Archives, Georgia Genealogical Society and the Friends of Georgia Archives and History (FOGAH), requires no registration and is free and open to the public.

History Happy Hour flyer

Since the last time Washington’s events were featured here, a new event has come to light. The History Happy Hour will be held in Olympia, WA on Thursday 27 October from 7-9pm featuring a Washington state parks themed pub quiz. “There will be great food, even better beer, and a whole lot of entertainment!”

