Hi everyone,
Good news: from here on out, we'll be using CoSA's Zoom account for our meetings. The login credentials for all meetings will remain consistent from meeting to meeting, and you'll find them embedded in an announcement on the AWC community page on the CoSA website. However, I'll continue to send out monthly meeting reminders.
Our next meeting will take place on Tuesday, June 6 at 3:00 PM ET/2:00 PM CT/1:00 PM MT/12:00 PM PT. The links below will take you to the ICS calendar download and login credentials for all of the 2023 meetings.
Talk to you soon!
Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.
Monthly: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/tZAlfu-hqD0vGdY-yWrhR4vUCl8VnpRWW1ku/ics?icsToken=98tyKuGspjIsE9KTtRqFRpwIGor4M_PwpiFYjadk0QbSEShhNhXDFe4aBLxvIu_n
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 848 9696 6532
Passcode: 384444
One tap mobile
+13017158592,,84896966532#,,,,*384444# US (Washington DC)
+13052241968,,84896966532#,,,,*384444# US
Bonita L. Weddle
Archives and Records Management Specialist 3
New York State Archives
9B31 Cultural Education Center
Albany, NY 12230